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Digital Sharing

Explore cutting-edge business models for after-sales services at our event!
Have you ever considered what happens when manufacturing companies and after-sales experts join forces toward a shared goal? They create valuable partnerships and teamwork!
We live in the digital age, where workplaces, cultures, and economies rapidly evolve.
Understanding the dynamics and strategies is crucial to staying competitive and guiding your company toward digital growth without errors.
As we move into a more digital market, where automation is key and operations become more complex with larger volumes of data, manufacturing companies need the right tools to stay competitive.
It’s time to look ahead and discover new business models together. Let's share experiences, tackle challenges, and find solutions while exploring ways to improve long-term efficiency.
Save the date: Join us on May 15, 2024, for our exclusive Digital Sharing Event at the beautiful Rocca Sveva venue in Verona. More details coming soon! Stay tuned!

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